With dogging hitting the UK mainstream consciousness, locations and spots all over the British Isles are being tagged ad dogging areas for meet-ups and actual dogging parties, majority of those happening in the urban areas and suburbs of Great Britain. British dogging enthusiasts are going online and signing up to dogging community boards as well as having adult personal ads, which are very detailed, published on newspapers. Click here for more dogging locations.
This just proves that there are a growing number of doggers and dogging events in the UK. But with these all dogging venues, offline or online, where’s the best location in the UK that is not just good for dogging but also safe and secure from harazards and police presence!
When talking about UK cities and suburbs here are the top dogging locations:
London . Among the numerous dogging city in this huge English metro, the boroughs of Brent, Wembley, Hammersmith and Fullham are among the most active and best places for dogging.
Yorkshire . Barnsley and Cawthorne Park are the places to check out to when you’re dogging in this area.
Hamsphire. Ideal dogging spots here are the areas of New Forest, Verely and Verely Hill.
Birmingham . There are many car parks for dogging in this UK city, but the most notable place is the Ackers Trust Ski Centre, the 70 acre semi-rural site located just 2 miles from Birmingham City Centre.
For actual dogging location types, most UK doggers prefer these public spots:
At the Park. The dogging phenomenon probably started at the park. If it isn’t well, it’s where most dogging meets and parties are held. May it be a car park or a regular park area, these types of dogging locations works well because even if it is a public place, doggers won’t be easily seen with all those visual obstructions such as cars and vans which are parked all over the area.
Secluded Areas . These locations include wooded areas, private lofts and yards, dead end streets among many others. These dogging areas offer more freedom and the opportunity to go the full monty for both dogging watchers or performers.
Now you know where the dogging is and the doggers are. Don’t forget about the dogging etiquette tips such are light on inside a car means others may watch, light is off inside the car means no watching and dipped headlights means looking for action! Happy and safe dogging! Join and find doggers near you!